Monday, May 22, 2017

12 Ways to Attract Millennial Talent

Bringing in a younger generation of workers is crucial to a company’s long-term success. Without fresh blood and fresh ideas, products may get stale and companies get left behind by firms better in touch with what’s out there and what people want.

That’s why we asked 12 successful entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council this question:

Q. What’s one thing small businesses can do (big or small) to attract more millennials to their company?

1. Create a Culture of Inclusion

Millennials get a bad rap, but ultimately they just want to be heard and given the autonomy to execute. Create a culture that welcomes feedback and inclusion on projects from all levels. This will foster a workplace that values all levels, including millennial new hires. They can make an impact, big or small, right out of the gate and feel appreciated. —Chris Van DusenParcon Media

2. Offer Learning Opportunities

Millennials want to keep learning, so give them the opportunity to explore that with sabbaticals, online training sessions, conferences, and tuition reimbursement, depending on your budget. —Zach BinderIpseity, Inc.


3. Advertise Purpose and Procedures in Job Posts

Study after study shows millennials are highly motivated by a company’s purpose and procedures, i.e., not just what you want them to do, but why and how you want them to do it. This is vital information to include beside your black-and-white job descriptions. —Sam SaxtonParagon Stairs


4. Show Them You Genuinely Care

It’s not about having beer on tap or being the super chic startup. Millennials want to know that their immediate managers truly care about their career paths and skill growth. Millennials want their growth paths to be invested in and encouraged. It may seem counter-intuitive, but you will actually foster more long-term loyalty by acknowledging that fact that millennials have big aspirations. —Nicole MunozStart Ranking Now

5. Pay Well

Millennials want the same things everyone wants: good pay, respect, and a degree of autonomy and flexibility, as well as to have their work valued, and a friendly, diverse workplace. Build a company like that, and you’ll have no trouble hiring millennials. The only real difference between millennials and other generations is that they’re less tolerant of companies that can’t provide these things. —Vik PatelFuture Hosting

6. Ditch the Office Space

Ditch the office and let people work on their own schedule. Forcing people to work an eight to five schedule is antiquated. Most creative minds don’t wake up until the evening hours. Giving people the freedom to work when and where they want instills a vote of confidence; confident employees are more productive employees. Who cares if a project comes in at 2 a.m. or from the beach? Quality is what counts. —Marco MottolaTrigger Digital

RELATED: Digitally Distracted: 3 Secrets To Keeping Your Millennial Workforce Engaged

7. Get on Snapchat

Commit to creating at least one good two- to three-minute Snapchat story per week for your brand or business. Be authentic and, most importantly, be fun. Millennials love Snapchat because of the rainbow vomit filter; be part of that fun and create your own content that fits your brand. —Bryanne LawlessBLND Public Relations

8. Advertise on College Job Boards

Companies that are looking to hire a younger crowd should look no further than their local universities as a way to recruit millennials. Most universities have job boards where companies can post job listings. —Russell KommereSoftware Associates Inc.


9. Go Where Millennials Hang Out and Get to Know Them

Millennials like contact, and, while raised in a digital age, they respond well to face time with others. Go to where millennials hang out or socialize, and get to know them on a casual level so you can interact better and speak their language when looking to hire them. —Andrew O’ConnorAmerican Addiction Centers

10. Provide Social Opportunities

Millennials strive to create lives they care about all the time—at work and at home—so reserving time for social opportunities in the workplace is a great way to attract and retain a younger crowd of employees. Take your employees out on the town for social outings or host happy hours at the office every other week. —Zev HermanSuperior Lighting

11. Consider Where You’re Located

Millennials want to feel connected to the communities they live in and, as a result, want to live, work, and play in the core of their communities—the center of the city or downtowns. Companies that are locating themselves in these areas have a leg up over other firms. Follow the living trends of millennials, and you will attract them. —Eric MathewsStart Co.

12. Don’t Over-Millennialize Your Hiring Process

Contrary to some beliefs, millennials are people, too. They can smell the pandering when you set up the pillow room and Foosball—and you don’t want the people that see those things as meaningful job benefits, either. Instead, treat millennials like professionals. Offer a competitive salary and good benefits, and show them how they will progress their careers at your company—and maybe offer an espresso machine. —John RoodNext Step Test Preparation

RELATED: How to Help Your Millennial Employees Thrive and Succeed

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