Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategies to Overcome Mental Health Stigmas in the Workplace

By Corinna Cornejo

Leaving mental health conditions untreated is costly—both in terms of dollars and lives. U.S. businesses lose billions of dollars in lost earnings each year due to untreated mental health conditions. With one in five Americans living with a mental health condition, this problem is more common than most people realize.

Effective treatments are available for mental health concerns, and 75% of people with common mental health conditions reported that treatment reduced their symptoms.

Yet 80% of workers agree that stigma is a major barrier to getting mental health treatment. These workers fear that being open about having a mental health condition could compromise their reputation, relationships, and opportunities at work. They also fear becoming a target of bullying, rejection, or discrimination.

Mental health conditions should be approached in the same manner as a physical illness or disability. Having a mental health condition is not a personal failing or caused by being lazy or irresponsible. It is something that requires professional care. Yet, fear keeps many people from seeking the help and treatment they need for their mental health concerns.

Addressing these fears is everyone’s responsibility. All of us can play a role in creating a company culture that is caring and engaged around mental health by breaking down the stigma and supporting better mental health for everyone.

Here is what a supportive company culture looks like:

Respectful policies and practices

Workplace policies that acknowledge the importance of mental health and encourage treatment, when needed, are the cornerstone for building a supportive company culture.

  • Handle mental health issues in the same manner as physical health issues. Both may require treatment and accommodations. Neither is a personal failing or the person’s fault.
  • Acknowledge that people with serious mental health conditions are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and may need reasonable accommodation. Train your managers to understand this and manage workers within these parameters.
  • Encourage everyone in the company to use respectful language and discourage language that is stigmatizing or discriminatory. There’s no room in a supportive company culture for name calling or bullying.

Bottom line, these policies and procedures are aimed at encouraging respect, civility, empathy, and a general culture of well-being for everyone.

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Assistance programs

To be effective, assistance programs in the supportive company go beyond simply offering an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Assistance includes helping the person get the care they need, successfully return to work, integrate with their group, and manage work tasks.

Flexible work practices and options are helpful for getting people back to work and supporting their ongoing work performance. These can include flexible work hours and having the option to work from home.

Increased awareness

Much of the stigma surrounding mental health comes from fear and misunderstanding. By raising awareness, you can help people to understand the truth and reality of living with a mental health condition. Chances are your workers already know someone who is living with a mental health condition. They need to understand that it’s a condition that can be treated and they should not be afraid of or disgusted by the person affected.

Something as basic as actively including people in group activities and social situations in the office can help both the person affected and their colleagues become more comfortable with each other. Offer formal training about mental health, its treatments, and your company’s policies and procedures. Welcome questions and discussion, and make sure people know how to access the mental health resources available to them.

Lead by example. Act the way you want others to act when it comes to mental health. Modeling openness, compassion, and acceptance is one of the most effective ways of normalizing mental health in the workplace.

Become an advocate

Unfortunately, misconceptions and prejudices don’t change overnight. You may find yourself in situations where someone says something about mental health or about a person with a mental health condition that simply isn’t true or is prejudicial.

In this situation, you have to speak up. Clearly and directly counter what that person is saying. Make it clear that what they said is not true and won’t be tolerated or accepted in your company. If you stay silent, then that person (and anyone else within listening range) will simply accept that wrong information and stigmatizing behavior as okay. If this behavior goes unchallenged then nothing will improve when it comes to mental health in the workplace.

Eliminating stigma lets people see and work with the individual and not the condition. Ultimately, breaking down the stigma around mental health and building a supportive company culture will encourage people to get the care they need. This will lead to stronger relationships and a more satisfying work environment for everyone.

RELATED: Overcoming Founder’s Blues: How Entrepreneurs Can Recognize and Treat Depression and Anxiety 

About the Author

Post by: Corinna Cornejo

Corinna Cornejo is a marketing content writer and strategist who specializes in digital health, healthcare, and related topics. She is a primary writer for

Company: WorkplaceTesting.Com

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