Wednesday, April 26, 2017

How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Productive on Sluggish Days

No matter how passionate you are about your small business, every entrepreneur inevitably faces one (or more) of those days where they’re running low on inspiration.

Maybe the creative well has run dry and you’re struggling to get the momentum back. Or maybe it is a little overcast outside, the kind of day where hustling 24/7 has got nothing on daydreaming about taking the day off to relax.

As an entrepreneur, you are your own boss, which can be both a blessing and a curse on days like these. While employees in an office environment have to push themselves to power through the “meh” days, entrepreneurs have the ability to take days off or work half-days if they really need to.

The only caveat here is that you still need to hold yourself accountable to keep up with your work. Too many lazy days off and suddenly you’re faced with a to-do list of what you missed on top of what you still need to do on a regular basis.

When you’re not feeling motivated, what can you do to perk yourself up and get productive? Hint: The answer is not found in a bottomless cup of coffee. Here is how to quickly conquer the blah blues:

Embark on a new walking route

Don’t force yourself to stare at your laptop screen and will your to-do list to get done on its own. If you’re really stuck, one of the best things you can do is get away from your desk and take a quick walk. Physically, walking increases the circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain allowing us to sharpen our memories and help us improve our focus.

When you get outside, walk the road less traveled than your typical one. Don’t walk anywhere where you might get lost, but take different streets in your neighborhood. Stroll through a small park instead of going around it. And use the time to line up in your head three things you’re going to accomplish, and then get them done when you return so you can cross them off your list.

Chew gum

Feeling sleepy? Pop a stick of gum in your mouth and start chewing. Believe it or not, chewing gum has been proven to increase alertness and the ability to pay attention to what’s going on in our environment. Other benefits are it improves reaction time, it fights the urge to consume caffeinated drinks or nicotine, and it can help with multitasking. If you can walk and chew gum at the same time, you can likely do the same while working.

Watch what you’re munching on

Breakfast sandwiches and lattes for breakfast, and takeout for lunch might sound (and taste) delicious, but consuming sugary, heavy food can cause you to suffer a mid-afternoon slump. Keep the 2:30 pm feeling at bay by keeping a supply of berries and almonds handy to curb hunger cravings. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and snack on string cheese and hard-boiled eggs for protein, veggies and hummus, or apples with peanut butter for an added boost of energy.

Do some stream of consciousness writing

Got a deadline coming up and feeling a little bit panicked about getting started? Throw yourself into a bit of stream of consciousness writing first. Don’t feel pressured to do be perfect the first time around—jot down or type anything that falls into your head to get the creative flow going.

Put on a podcast to start and close the day

Before you begin working, look up a new episode of a podcast that you’re currently into and put it on to kick off your day. Allow yourself to get caught up and focused on the narrative while you’re prepping to get ready for work, making breakfast, and getting organized with your to-do list. Once it wraps up (generally most podcasts last between 30 minutes to an hour), switch gears to some music or peace and quiet while you concentrate on getting your work done. At the end of the day, return to your podcast and put on a new episode while you’re tying up loose ends to ensure you stay engaged all day long.

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The post How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Productive on Sluggish Days appeared first on Click for more information about Deborah Sweeney.

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